Next Meeting Thursday, July 17, 2008 7:30 pm The Seniors Building Clifton City Hall Municipal Complex 900 Clifton Avenue Clifton NJ 07013
Celebration of Polish American Day New Jersey Statehouse in Trenton, New Jersey
Orange County NY Pulaski Parade Committee
Ksciuszko Celebration West Point NY
Banquet Honoring Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union
Miss Polonia/Marshals Form (pdf)
Pre-Parade Program Form (pdf)
Radio Station Participation (pdf)
Parade Announcement Form (pdf)
Chairpersons (pdf)
2007 Parade
The General Pulaski Day Parade Committee of New York is pleased to announce its plans for the celebration honoring the great Polish hero who was instrumental in securing American freedom during the Revolutionary War. The main theme of this Parade is "Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of Polish Pioneers arriving at the Jamestown Colony in Virginia" Our President, Richard Zawisny together with this year’s Grand Marshal the Most Honorable Peter Eagler and all the members of our Committee have been working diligently to promote the biggest, most colorful and best parade ever.
The plans include a very elegant Black Tie Banquet, which will be held at the prestigious Marriott Marquis Hotel on Broadway in New York City on Saturday, September 27 th, 2008. We invite all residents of the tri-state area to join us for a memorable evening by purchasing tickets, which are available by contacting one of our lovely chairladies~ Jessica or Christina Topolosky-Phone:(908) 353-3807, Fax:(908)820-3776 or via email:pulaskibanquetnyc@yahoo.com; The donation for tickets is $195 per adult, $130 per student with ID, and $80 per child up to age 12. The highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the Miss Polonia’s, Junior Miss Polonia’s and the Contingent Marshals of each division. Applications for the presentation may be acquired by contacting either Miss Jennifer M. Costa: (908)353-7700 x 331 or via email: JenniferCosta.com .
You will enjoy a breathtaking atmosphere, as well as dancing to enchanting music, a sumptuous dinner and camaraderie. Please make your reservations as soon as possible with one of the banquet chairladies. It is on a first come, first serve basis! On the morning of the Parade there will be two significant events. First, beginning at 9 a.m. there will a special Mass at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in honor of the Parade. The main celebrant will be His Eminence Cardinal Edward Eagan. Everyone is invited to attend. Following the Mass, there will be a Parade Breakfast, also at the 3 West Club, starting at 10:30 a.m. The price of the sit down breakfast is $40 per person and tickets may be obtained in advance by contacting Penny Donach:(718) 389-4105 or via email: pdonach@tannerboltcom
The Parade itself will step off from Fifth Ave. at 31st Street at 12:30 p.m.sharp! If you wish to view the Parade from the comfort of the reviewing stands, which will be located at 40th and 41st Streets, you may purchase tickets at the discounted price of $10 prior to the date of the Parade, by contacting: Richard Zawisny (718)499-0026 or via email: eagleprovision@myexcel.com.mailto:krystyna@krystynatravel.com
Many Polish-American organizations will be marching up Fifth Ave. accompanied by numerous dignitaries who will also grace us with their presence at previously mentioned venues. Please show your Polish-American pride and heritage by supporting these events. We look forward to seeing you as we celebrate our Polish Heritage and Pride together on Fifth Avenue in NYC!
You can also obtain information by visiting our website www.pulaskiparade.org
Respectfully Submitted by,
The Board Members of the General Casimir Pulaski Memorial Parade Committee
South Brooklyn NY Contingent Marshal Ms. Bozena Adamczyk, Miss Polonia Miss Marta Kurpiewski, Junior Miss Princess, Miss Patrycja Posluszna, more
Orange County Marshal Mr. Robert Matuszewski Jr. and Orange County Miss Polonia Miss Jessica Lynn Matuszewski, more
South Bergen West Hudson NJ Contingent marshal Mr. John Sulkowski, Miss Polonia Miss Stephanie Rozalski,Mr. Joseph Wnorowski President, more
Westchester County NY 2008 Contingent Marshall Mrs. Lucyna Okrutniak And Ms. Polonia, Ms. Anna Sutkowska, more
2008 Wallington Contingent Marshal Mr. Bogdan Chmielewski (CEO of P&SFCU) Miss Polonia: Miss Victoria Baginski, Jr. Miss Polonia: Miss Victoria Dabek more